Δευτέρα, 17 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

Το χάρβαρντ άλλαξε τίτλο στο θέατρο του ΓΑΠ: "Ξεχαρβαλώνοντας την Ευρώπη!"



The title of GAP’s discussion at Harvard changed.
Original Title: European Economic Situation
Revised Title: (Re)designing Europe

European Economic Situation

Date & Time:
Monday, September 24, 2012 – 4:00pm
Event Type:
Study Groups
“European Economic Situation”
led by IOP Fellow George Papandreou
Room: L166
Study Groups are weekly OFF-THE-RECORD discussions on various topics of political, policy, and public interest. All are welcome; no prior knowledge or experience is necessary to attend or participate. Sessions take place at the IOP. Groups begin the week of September 24 and end the week of November 5. All study groups begin at 4:00PM. It is not necessary to attend all groups to participate in the program.

(Re)designing Europe

Date & Time:
Monday, September 24, 2012 – 4:00pm
Event Type:
Study Groups
“(Re)designing Europe”
led by IOP Fellow George Papandreou
Room: L166
Study Groups are weekly OFF-THE-RECORD discussions on various topics of political, policy, and public interest. All are welcome; no prior knowledge or experience is necessary to attend or participate. Sessions take place at the IOP. Groups begin the week of September 24 and end the week of November 5. All study groups begin at 4:00PM. It is not necessary to attend all groups to participate in the program.
http://www.iop.harvard.edu/redesigning-europe-0 ΠρωτοσελιδαΕιδήσεις


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