by professor Van. Coufoudakis
For Immediate Release: April 21, 2009
Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. 1-917-699-9935
NEW YORK–The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) is pleased to announce that the book “International Aggression and Violations of Human Rights: The Case of Turkey in Cyprus” by professor Van. Coufoudakis has been released and is due to be presented at the Cyprus House in New York City by the Foreign Press Association THIS THURSDAY APRIL 23rd, we encourage all of our activists, supporters and readers to attend. Please note the invitation to the New York presentation directly below, and following this, a review by respected London-based, Greek-Cypriot authour and journalist Fanoulla Argyrou:
The Permanent Mission of Cyprus to the UN In collaboration with The Foreign Press Association
Cordially invite you to the launch of
“International Aggression and Violations of Human Rights: The Case of Turkey in Cyprus ”
By Van Coufoudakis
Minnesota Mediterranean and East European Monographs
Number 17, 2008, Modern Greek Studies, University of Minnesota
Thursday, April 23 2009, at 5.30 p.m.
The Cyprus House
13 East 40th Street
N.Y., N.Y, 10016
Reception to follow
RSVP: Suzanne Adams (212) 370-1054 or [email protected]
Maria Zoupaniotis (212) 481-6023 or [email protected]
International Aggression and Violations of Human Rights: The Case of Turkey in Cyprus” by professor Van. Coufoudakis
In his welcoming address at the presentation of the above titled book by distinguished academic Professor Van. Coufoudakis at the University of Nicosia on 10th April 2009, Dr. Andreas Theophanous noted the following:
“ On behalf of the Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs I would like to welcome you to the presentation of the new book by Van Coufoudakis entitled International Aggression and Violations of Human Rights: the Case of Turkey in Cyprus, by the Modern Greek Studies of the University of Minnesota.
This publication is particularly important not only because it is such a substantive work from a colleague that has contributed so much to the Cyprus debate, but because, crucially, it comes at a possible turning point for Cyprus… It comes at a time when the international focus is no longer on Turkey but on the bicommunal dimension of the problem. The book comes also at a time in which a series of reports, papers and statements attempt to absolve Turkey of its responsibility. The primary message projected is that Turkey and the Turkish-Cypriot side have done their best for a solution to the Cyprus problem and that it was the nationalistic Greek Cypriots who stopped the solution of the Cyprus problem.
Even worse the same reports and papers refer to the alleged isolation of the Turkish Cypriots – despite the fact that they enjoy rights and benefits without obligations and have been receiving substantial grants from the European Union with the blessing of the Republic. And of course the term occupation is no longer used. I am tempted to say that not mentioning the word occupation and the term occupied part of Cyprus is becoming part of a new trend of political correctness. This is facilitated by the bicommunal focus of the negotiation process but I must also mention that it is promoted by the perceived strategic importance of Turkey.
For this state of affairs and for losing the moral high ground, we must also assess and evaluate our own responsibilities and/or omissions. I will stress, for example, the potential role of think-tanks and academic institutions in making critical contributions in analysis, in projecting issues, in affecting decision making centers, public opinion and even influencing issues of moral high ground. And yet successive governments have not realized and/or utilized the potential of such institutions in Cyprus and abroad. In this regard the Department of Modern Greek Studies in the University of Minneapolis has been making its own contribution… I stress the importance of professor Coufoudakis’ contribution to Hellenism and in particular to Cyprus. Beyond that his overall contribution to academic excellence has been significant. We here at the University of Nicosia have also benefitted tremendously from him in various ways..”
(Andreas Theophanous is Professor of Political Economy, Director of the Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs University of Nicosia).
The book is divided into a Preface, seven chapters, two appendixes and notes.
Chapter One – Cyprus: A Brief Historical Introduction
Chapter Two – Human Rights in the Post-World War II International System
Chapter Three – Cyprus and the European Human Rights Institutions
Chapter Four – Invasion, Continuing Occupation, and violations of Personal Rights
Chapter Five – Invasion, Occupation, and Ethnic Cleansing: The Human Dimension
Chapter Six – The Continuing Consequences of Ethnic cleansing: Property Usurpation, Settlers, and the Destruction of Cultural heritage
Chapter Seven – Cyprus and the European Human Rights Regime: Concluding Comments.
Appendix One – European Union Resolutions on Cyprus
Appendix two – United Nations Resolutions on Cyprus.
This is a book devoted in exposing Turkey for what it really is: a country of aggression and continued occupation of half of the Republic of Cyprus. Indeed it does come at a very crucial time for Cyprus, as emphasised by Dr. Theophanous, and it comes with determination to remind all FORCEFULLY of Turkey’s violations of human rights concluding that no solution will serve Cyprus unless it respects the fundamental rights of the Greek Cypriot refugees and abides with international obligations. The book comes at a time when other so called academics avoid using the word “occupation”, “occupied areas of the Republic of Cyprus” and use instead orologies that in no uncertain terms favour the aggressor (Turkey). Van Coufoudakis addresses all issues as they are, with their true name and with the truth. In its concluding part it notes among others:
“The evidence presented in this volume points clearly to Turkey’s responsibility for the massive violations of human rights in Cyprus. Since 20 July 1974, Turkey remains in effective control of occupied Cyprus. This is why various court decisions also hold Turkey responsible for the acts of the Turkish Cypriot “subordinate local administration” in occupied Cyprus. Following its illegal invasion of Cyprus, Turkey proceeded with the ethnic cleansing of the occupied areas of the republic and has banned the return of Greek Cypriots to their homes and properties. It also implemented a massive demographic change and has proceeded with the destruction of the Greek Cypriot cultural heritage. These actions have no doubt that Turkey’s policies are deliberate, systematic, discriminatory, and aimed at Greek Cypriots because of their ethnicity, religion and language. This is a fragrant violation of the European Convention of Human Rights and of Article VI of the founding treaty of the EU, an organisation Turkey aspires to join…”
In contrast to the unprecedented efforts by some countries and their subordinates (be they individuals, politicians or academics) the book details all the violations committed by Turkey in Cyprus and all the condemnations by European courts on various cases. It restores the realities over Cyprus to their proper prospective. It lists the robberies, looting, and wanton destruction by Turkey in the occupied part of Cyprus, rapes and forced prostitution of Greek Cypriot women, torture, inhuman treatment, assault and battery, murder, deprivation of liberty and false detention.
The book is a must for all to have and USE in addressing the distortion of history, the efforts to upgrade the illegal regime in the occupied part of Cyprus and shift the responsibility to the victims themselves, the Greek Cypriots in order to help Turkey with its EU accession negotiations.
Professor Coufoudakis’ book together with the newly circulated book
“Bloody Truth” issued by the Movement for Freedom and Justice in Cyprus, are two books all Greeks all over the world should get hold of and use against the Turkish propaganda and all those who try to distort historical facts in order to help Turkey, British and American interests vis-à-vis Turkey.
Acknowledgements are due to Professor Theofanis G. Stavrou, general editor, Soterios G. Stavrou, associate editor and Elizabeth a. Harry, assistant editor of the Modern Greek Studies at the University of Minnesota.
Professor Van Coufoudakis devoted the book “To the People of Cyprus his wife Marion and his daughter Helen”.
We cannot thank him enough for his service to Cyprus and its just cause and we cannot praise enough the respectful and dignified way he presents the case of Cyprus. Afterall there is no comparison between this kind of academics and insignificant opportunists.
Fanoulla Argyrou
Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)
2578 Broadway #132
New York, NY 10025
New York: Tel. 917-699-9935
Email: [email protected]