Η σύμβουλος ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ της Α.Διαμαντοπούλου ερευνάται στις ΗΠΑ για ρουσφέτια, διαπλοκή και σπατάλες δημοσιου χρήματος



UC Davis Chancellor Katehi waits to speak to students at an Occupy UCD rally on campus in DavisΗ Αννα Διαμαντοπούλου εκτος του ότι ήθελε να κάνει επίσημη γλώσσα τα Αγγλικά, είχε φέρει και μια “χρυση σύμβουλο” την Λιντα Κατέχη να μας αναμορφώσει την…μορφωση.
Αυτη λοιπόν η καθηγήτρια, πήγε να κάνει τις ΠΑΣΟΚιες της στις ΗΠΑ.
Το 2010 κατηγορηθηκε για συμμετοχή της σε σκάνδαλο επιλογής φοιτητών όπου ευνοούσε παιδιά πολιτικών, με λίστα παράτυπων εγγραφων. Η ίδια έριξε την ευθύνη στους Ανωτέρους της
Το 2011 μάλιστα, σε μια ειρηνική διαμαρτυρία φοιτητών, είχε αναλάβει την ευθύνη για τον ψεκασμο των φοιτητών με σπρεί πιπεριού (που μάλλον το είχε διδαχθει απο τον Παπουτση).
Κατά την ΠΑΣΟΚική της νοοτροπία, αντι συγγνώμης ξόδεψε πολλά χρήματα του πανεπιστημίου ώστε να “εξαφανίσει” την είδηση από τα ΜΜΕ.
Την προηγούμενη εβδομάδα, συνελήφθη για οικογενειακα ρουσφέτια (νεποτισμο) που αφορούν την νύφη και την γιο της, γιατι μάλλον ο μισθός των $424,360 ετησίως δεν της έφτανε.

The letter informing Katehi that she’s being placed on leave airs several new allegations against her:

  • “First, questions have been raised about the employment of some members of your family, including whether employment actions related to your daughter-in-law and son violate University conflict-of-interest policies and requirements related to the employment of near relatives. Your daughter-in-law, who directly reports to one of your direct reports, has received promotions and salary increases over a two-and-a- half year period that have increased her pay by over $50,000 and have resulted in several title changes.”
  • “During that same period, you put forward a pay increase of over 20% and a title change for your daughter-in-law’s supervisor.”
  • “More recently, it appears not only that the academic program in which your son holds a paid research position was moved into the same department in which your daughter-in-law is employed, but also that the program was placed under her direct supervision. It does not appear that appropriate steps were taken to address, document or obtain approval for the fact that your son now reported to your daughter in-law, who, in turn, was supervised by one of your direct reports.”
  • “The independent investigation also will determine whether the employment status of your daughter-in-law with respect to supervising the research center that employed your son violated requirements regarding the proper use of Student Service Fee revenue. See Regents Policy 3101 — University of California Student Fee Policy and implementing guidelines. You have verbally assured me that all matters relating to the employment of your husband, son and daughter-in-law have been consistent with policies and procedures, but documents and other information appear contrary to that assurance.”

The letter goes on to question whether Katehi was truthful in her public statements about Davis funds that she spent on public relations. “There are concerns regarding whether you have made material misstatements regarding your role in the social media contracts,” Napolitano wrote. “Despite public statements to members of the media, as well as to me, that you were not aware of or involved with these particular contracts, documents prepared in response to a Public Records Act request indicate multiple interactions with one of the vendors.”


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